Parish Council Compost / Soil Conditioner

Huntingdonshire District Council has given the Parish Council 5 cubic meters of compost / soil conditioner.  This is available to anyone in Broughton.  Please see attached for location and arrangements for collection.

Wildflower beds for Bridge Green near Illings Lane

The four beds to be planted with wildflower seed and spring flowering native bulbs have now been sprayed off and the grass will shortly die. You will also see that pathways have been cut between these beds. When the grass has fully died off later in the month, we will arrange a working party to rake off the dead grass / scarify the ground to encourage a further flush of weeds to grow, which will be cleared before planting in the autumn.

If anybody has any questions about what we are doing, please contact Mark Ray on or 07875660559.

Although it is being organised by the Parish Council, the costs for it are not coming out of Parish Council funds. We have already had a number of generous donations to towards this, and if anybody else in the village, or any village based businesses would like to make a donation towards funding this, please send your donation, marked up as “Wildflowers” to Ann Nixon, Parish Clerk, The Old Library, School Road, or send to the “Broughton Parish Council” bank account Lloyds Bank, sort code: 30-94-47, Account no: 00949137 with the reference “Wildflowers”.

All donations received will be ringfenced and used only for the creation and maintenance of these flower beds. To do a full planting scheme it will cost about £700.

Thank you

Broughton Parish Council

Wildflower beds for Bridge Green near Illings Lane

The Parish Council is going to create some wildflower meadow areas on the green known as Bridge Green, near Illings Lane.  Please see attached for full details about the plans, getting involved as a volunteer and donating.


Parish Consultation: Orchard Farm, School Road, Broughton (ref 24/00920/FUL)

A planning application for Orchard Farm, School Road, Broughton (ref 24/00920/FUL) is being considered by Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC).   Attached is a link to the full details of the application on the HDC website:

See ‘Planning’ for full details.

Temporary Traffic Order Application – School Road, Broughton

BPC has received the attached notice from Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) about the proposed closure of School Road to repair the broken drain under the road near the Village Hall.  This is scheduled for Tuesday 30th July, between 09:30 – 15:30.

There is until Wednesday 29th May 2024 to comment on the application.  If no comments are received CCC will proceed with the application.

A notice will be issued once the date has been confirmed.


Green Garden Waste Bins

In April 2024 Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) introduced charges for all domestic green garden waste bins.  Following this HDC established schemes to assist residents with the correct disposal of garden waste, which included providing some locations with green garden waste bins for villagers’ use, under parish council management.

Broughton Parish Council (BPC) has seven green garden waste bins which villagers can book for free under a scheme being trialled over summer 2024.

The booking form, the scheme’s full details and both the HDC and BPC terms and conditions can be found on the BPC website under “Our Community” at


Parish Consultation: Rectory Farm Wistow Road Broughton (REF 24/00788/HHFUL)

Parish Consultation: A planning application for Rectory Farm Wistow Road Broughton (REF 24/00788/HHFUL) is being considered by Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC).   Below is a link to the full details of the application on the HDC website:

See ‘Planning’ for full details.

Broughton Parish Council Cemetery – Mowing Regime for 2024

Attached are details about the cemetery’s mowing regime for 2024.

Cambridgeshire County Show – Saturday 1st June 2024

See poster for details, including ticket bookings.

Parish Consultation: Mill Barn Farm, Bridge Road, Broughton (Ref: 24/00458/HHFUL)

Parish Consultation: A planning application for Mill Barn Farm, Bridge Road, Broughton (Ref: 24/00458/HHFUL) is being considered by Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC).   Attached is a link to the full details of the application on the HDC website:

24/00458/HHFUL | SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION | Mill Barn Farm Bridge Road Broughton Huntingdon PE28 3AZ (

See ‘Planning’ for full details.